
Mcqs in microbiology and parasitology with explanations

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₹395 ₹277
Author: DR Arora
Edition: Second edition
ISBN: 9789354669088

For proper understanding and remembering, the student must know why a particular choice is correct and other choices are wrong. In this book explanations of correct and incorrect answers have been given. This helps the candidate to remember the correct answers. In the last chapter, image-based MCQs have been given. Each question carries one photomicrograph or photograph and the candidate is asked to identify the correct answer. Explanations of both correct and incorrect choices are given. In addition, more MCQs with explanations have been added.

Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9789354669088
Binding Paperback
Subject Microbiology
Pages 288
Weight 0.374
Readership 2nd Year MBBS

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