
A textbook of plant ecology 16th edition

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₹495 ₹347
It describes and deals with different aspects of concepts of ecology, climate and plant responses, soil and plant relationships, fire factor, biotic interrelationships, autecology and population dynamics, synecology and community dynamics, biodiversity and its conservation, major biomes, ecological energetics, production ecology, conservation and management, recent trends of environmental pollution, flora and vegetation of India, phytogeography, etc. Important topics of current interest like global biodiversity, wetlands, soil pollution and bioremediation and greenhouse gases are described in detail. It also includes a list of ecology and environment practical exercises and a glossary of terms.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9789354662645
Year 2022
Binding Paperback
Subject Ecology and environment
Pages 488
Weight 0.536
Readership NA

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