
An atlas of fine needle aspiration cytology of paragangliomas

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Author: AR Khan
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 9789354668807

In this Atlas the author has given all the necessary details including technique of aspiration and diagnosis by simple MGG stain, relevant clinical data, patient photographs including barely visible to large massive tumours, microphotographs of FNAC smears and detailed histopathology of tumours.

The Atlas also includes two unique cases of non-head and neck paragangliomas, one of metastatic pheochromocytoma adrenal presenting as sternal mass and another of urinary bladder paraganglioma presenting with mass in suprapubic region. Both these cases were diagnosed with ease without any discomfort to patients on direct aspiration on MGG stained smears.

Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9789354668807
Binding Paperback
Subject Pathology/cytopathology
Pages 100
Weight 0.286
Readership Pathologists/cytopathologists working on paragangliomas; postgraduates

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