
Applied aerodynamics (hb 2014)

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Publisher: INTECH
Author: LERNER J.C.
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 9789535106111
Aerodynamics, from a modern point of view, is a branch of physics that study physical laws and their applications, regarding the displacement of a body into a fluid, such concept could be applied to any body moving in a fluid at rest or any fluid moving around a body at rest. This Book covers a small part of the numerous cases of stationary and non stationary aerodynamics; wave generation and propagation; wind energy; flow control techniques and, also, sports aerodynamics. It's not an undergraduate text but is thought to be useful for those teachers and/or researchers which work in the several branches of applied aerodynamics and/or applied fluid dynamics, from experiments procedures to computational methods.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9789535106111
Year 2014
Binding Hardcover
Subject Aeronautical Engineering
Pages 206
Weight 0.4
Readership NA

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