
Applied biomedical engineering (hb 2016)

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₹15,786 ₹11,050
Publisher: INTECH
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 9789533072562
This book presents a collection of recent and extended academic works in selected topics of biomedical technology, biomedical instrumentations, biomedical signal processing and bio-imaging. This wide range of topics provide a valuable update to researchers in the multidisciplinary area of biomedical engineering and an interesting introduction for engineers new to the area. The techniques covered include modelling, experimentation and discussion with the application areas ranging from bio-sensors development to neurophysiology, telemedicine and biomedical signal classification.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9789533072562
Year 2016
Binding Hardcover
Subject Biomedical & Biomaterials
Pages 514
Weight 0.4
Readership NA

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