
Atlas of microscopy of medicinal plants culinary herbs and spices (hb 2005)

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₹2,995 ₹2,097
Author: Jackson B. P
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 9788123900254
This book is intended primarily for use in the verification of materials for ease of location we have arranged the contents in alphabetical order according to their commonly accepted names. We have also provided separate indices of Synonyms and Botanical Sources. All the drawings in this book have been made solely from previously authenticated samples. For the drugs and spices which usually occur commercially in the powdered form number 60 grade powders were prepared for examination but for the culinary herbs which are more usually available in the whole or broken condition fragments of a suitable size were examined. The drawings were made at a magnification of 500 using a camera lucida from fresh mounts prepared as described in the section on Practical Methods. The descriptions similarly are intended to give a detailed account of the actual characters seen in the fragments rather than the full histology of the plant organ from which the materials are derived.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9788123900254
Binding NA
Subject Pharmacy
Pages 251
Weight 0.5
Readership NA

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