
Basics of molecular biology

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₹170 ₹119
Complex three-dimensional colour figures have been avoided. This book was although originally conceived for students of B.Sc. And M.Sc. yet the individual with a background in the sciences as well as students at other levels may benefit from its simplistic approach. Those who wish to go deeper into the subject a few articles or books are listed at the end of each chapter as further reading. Some experiments marked with an asterisk (*) in the book are quite suitable for doing in a laboratory under the guidance of a teacher. Basics of Molecular Biology is intended to give the reader a sound foundation of Molecular Biology and a flavor of the subject as it stand today. The primary purpose of the book is to be an initial stepping stone towards greater heights.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9788123907796
Year 2002
Binding paperback
Subject NA
Pages 252
Weight 0.285
Readership NA

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