
Minerals an introduction (hb 2018)

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₹10,963 ₹7,674
Publisher: INTECH
Author: VASIC M.
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 9789535118176
This book offers the reader an introduction to mineralogy through eight expert-authored chapters. It draws on the wide-ranging and meticulous research of its contributors to provide a high-quality resource especially suitable for students and graduate researchers. The first part of the book discuses clay minerals in nature, encompassing their characterization, modification and applications. Topics include determination of effective diffusion coefficient, the distribution of clay minerals during hypothermal alteration of ore deposits and the potential application of claystone as a rock host for nuclear waste storage. The second part of the book introduces readers to key topics in mineralogy. Topics include characterization of the density fractions of minerals in soils, cation distribution, hydro-mechanical property relationships in the microstructure, and techniques and classification systems for pathological biomineral analysis. Readers will find this a valuable resource for understanding theories and methodologies in mineralogical research, as well as interesting insights into new possibilities for the applications of minerals.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9789535118176
Year 2018
Binding Hardcover
Subject Geology & Earth Science
Pages 176
Weight 0.4
Readership NA

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