
Pg dental examination review, 2e

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₹450 ₹315
The second edition of PG Dental Examination Review incorporates several advancements which have been made in the field of dentistry also effectively taking into account the current level of competition amongst the students appearing in PG entrance examinations. This edition has been prepared taking into consideration suggestions made by the readers of the first edition. The format has been modified with MCQs for each subject followed by explanatory notes. The explanatory notes have been prepared from standard textbooks. Newer concepts like Carisolv step down technique bonded and sealed amalgam etc. have been incorporated. Towards the end of the text model papers prepared from previous years examination question papers have been arranged. These will provide a thorough revision for the reader. The book is expected to serve as an excellent tool for revision by the BDS students a handy platform of preparing for the postgraduate entrance examinations and a dedicated guide to earn decisive scores in the competitions.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9788123919225
Binding NA
Subject Dentistry
Pages 674
Weight 0.5
Readership NA

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