
Textbook of wildlife management, 3/e (1st reprint)

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₹625 ₹438
Wildlife management in Indian universities is being taught as a core subject of forestry science and even independently. Teaching and attention on the subject is progressing day-by-day. It is very essential to understand the role played by the wild animals, which unfortunately has come to an alarming stage. Wild animals are a part and parcel of the ecosystem as a natural renewable resource, maintaining foodchains, keeping ecobalance and providing hygienic conditions for the existence of all organisms including humans. Making the general mass of the country concious of this fact is an essential time demand so that wild animals may be conserved and propagated scientifically and judiciously throughout the country up to the optimum-level as well as getting revenue by them. This book makes an important contribution to the understanding of wildlife and its management. This is the thoroughly revised, updated and enlarged edition of the book which covers almost all parts of course-curricula for the both undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Indian universities in the field of wildlife management. The text has been written in a simple and lucid language so that the reader can grasp the matter easily and succinctly.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9789388527774
Year 2021
Binding Paperback
Subject Forestry
Pages 432 + 8 colour plates
Weight 0.5
Readership NA

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