
Thin film processes artifacts on surface phenomena and technological facets (hb 2018)

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Publisher: INTECH
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 9789535130673
The book Thin Film Processes - Artifacts on Surface Phenomena and Technological Facets presents topics on global advancements in theoretical and experimental facts, instrumentation and practical applications of thin-film material perspectives and its applications. The aspect of this book is associated with the thin-film physics, the methods of deposition, optimization parameters and its wide technological applications. This book is divided into three main sections: Thin Film Deposition Methods: A Synthesis Perspective; Optimization Parameters in the Thin Film Science and Application of Thin Films: A Synergistic Outlook. Collected chapters provide applicable knowledge for a wide range of readers: common men, students and researchers. It was constructed by experts in diverse fields of thin-film science and technology from over 15 research institutes across the globe.
Specifications Descriptions
ISBN 9789535130673
Year 2018
Binding Hardcover
Subject Material Science
Pages 220
Weight 0.4
Readership NA

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